This public exhibition has now concluded.

Central Coast Council prepared a draft Central Coast Street Design Manual and accompanying set of Standard Drawings and Technical Specifications to guide public domain works and streetscape design. 

The Manual will support consistency across the regions town centres through street design, amenity and functionality whilst also supporting the unique character each place has.  

The first set of Materials Maps and Schedules have been prepared for Gosford as it has been identified as an area with high demand, with other town centres to follow. 

The Manual and Specifications have been developed to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach is taken when delivering public domain projects across the local government area. These documents have been developed in consultation with relevant Council units and the NSW Government.

Have your say 

Between 15 March and 26 April 2023, Council invited the community to find out more on the draft Central Coast Street Design Manual by: 

  • Reading the draft Central Coast Street Design Manual, Standard Drawings and Technical Specifications (available in the document library on this page)
  • Viewing the Frequently Asked Questions (available below) 
  • Registering for a virtual information session (now complete)
  • Attending a drop-in information session at: 
    • Lake Haven Library on Thursday 23 March between 2.30pm and 4.30pm 
    • Let’s Talk Gosford at Parkhouse, Kibble Park on Thursday 30 March 
      • Business leaders and operators between 10am and 12pm  
      • Community between 1pm and 4pm)  
    • Woy Woy Library on Tuesday 4 April between 11.30 and 1.30pm
  • Submitting a question via the online question and answer tool (now closed)

You could make a submission on the draft Central Coast Street Design Manual and accompanying documents via: 

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Consultation results 

Thank you for letting Council know what is important to you so we can ensure the final Street Design Manual reflects the values of our community. Council have developed an engagement summary which you can view here

Closing the loop 

Following the feedback received during public exhibition, Council staff reviewed all submissions and prepared a report on the outcome of the public exhibition process for Council's consideration. It was presented to Council at the 28 May 2024 Council Meeting - Item 2.6 Outcomes of Public Exhibition and Finalisation of Street Design Guideline and Landscape Specifications.

Next steps 

The Street Design Guideline and Landscape Specifications was adopted by Council. Council is now preparing a draft Landscape and Street Design chapter to be included in the Development Control Plan 2022.

Council will keep the community updated as the project progresses.

What is the purpose of the Street Design Manual? 

The purpose of the draft Street Design Manual is to provide cohesive design guidance and construction standards for built works within our streets and public spaces separate to but coordinated with all other engineering works.

What benefits will the Street Design Manual deliver? 

The Manual and Specifications have been developed to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach is taken when delivering public domain projects across the local government area. These documents have been developed in consultation with relevant Council units and in consultation with NSW Government.

Why do we need a Street Design Manual? 

Central Coast Council has a vision to maximise the liveability of the Central Coast and this is reflected within the One Central Coast – Community Strategic Plan 2018-2018 which identifies a strong desire in our community to create town centres and neighbourhoods that are Smart, Green and Liveable. The Central Coast Regional Plan 2041 also aims to create a prosperous Central Coast with well-connected communities, attractive lifestyles and protected natural environment. 

The streets of the Central Coast are designed and built by many different parties including state and local government, service and utility authorities and private developers. Local council’s will commonly develop and utilise a set of public domain guidelines to ensure the delivery of quality public domain works within their town centres and in accordance with national standards or other relevant strategies, plans and policies. 

How will the Street Design Manual influence other projects Council and developers deliver? 

The Manual and accompanying set of Standard Drawing and Technical Specifications have been developed to help ensure that a consistent and coordinated approach is taken when delivering public domain projects across the Local Government Area (LGA). In addition to Council’s Development Control Plans (DCPs) this document will provide detailed guidance on the minimum standards and requirements expected when delivering public domain works and considers the desired look, feel and materiality of our public spaces with the aim of delivering cooler, greener, more attractive streets for the people of the Central Coast.

How will the Street Design Manual improve street design on the Central Coast? 

The Design Manual provides guidelines that will help improve design outcomes in terms of Street Tree Planting, Landscaping, Bio-Diversity, Heritage Interpretation and Public Art as well as provided for a coordinated a consistent approach to the use of paving Materials & Furnishings.  The guide also advocates for better footpaths, bike-lanes and shade trees to make streets healthier and more people friendly.

What type of streets does the Street Design Manual cover? 

The Street Design Manual aims to provide additional guidance for the design of public accessible streets and shared spaces within our town centre neighbourhoods. 

In residential areas these streets are typically classified as: 

  • Access Lanes
  • Access Streets
  • Local Streets
  • Collector Streets
  • Distributor Roads

In Urban areas these streets can be identified as: 

  • Main Streets 
  • Connector Streets
  • Urban Collector Streets
  • Gateway Streets
  • Green Links
  • Neighbourhood Streets
  • Laneways 

Why have Materials Maps and Schedules only been done for Gosford? 

The Design Manual provides guidelines that will help improve design outcomes in terms of Street Tree Planting, Landscaping, Biodiversity, Heritage Interpretation and Public Art as well as provided for a coordinated a consistent approach to the use of paving Materials & Furnishings.  The guide also advocates for better footpaths, bike-lanes and shade trees to make streets healthier and more people friendly.

Will other town centres have Materials Maps and Schedules completed? When? 

Council is currently undertaken community engagement for the Wyong District Place Plan. This Plan will identify the community and stakeholder’s vision and actions to delivery on that vision.  The delivery of district plan for all other areas is currently under review, to determine the best way to identify place-making outcomes within our planning framework.

Has maintenance of street design been considered in the development of the Street Design Manual? 

Yes.  Council is aware that over time there will be some increases in assets and maintenance requirements.

Does the Street Design Manual include an approve species list for street trees? 

Yes, it includes a recommended Tree Species List suitable to the local area.

How does Council support the greening of streets within the LGA? 

Greening of the LGA is supported via previously adopted policies such as the Greener Places Strategy, plus the Central Coast Green Grid and Sustainability and Climate Action Plan documents.

Where could I find our more information about the Street Design Manual and accompanying documents? 

Council invited the community to find out more on the draft Central Coast Street Design Manual by: 

  • Reading the draft Central Coast Street Design Manual, Standard Drawings and Technical Specifications (available in the document library on this page)
  • Viewing the Frequently Asked Questions (available below) 
  • Registering for a virtual information session (now completed)
  • Attending a drop-in information session at: 
    • Lake Haven Library on Thursday 23 March between 2.30pm and 4.30pm 
    • Let’s Talk Gosford at Parkhouse, Kibble Park on Thursday 30 March 
      • Business leaders and operators between 10am and 12pm  
      • Community between 1pm and 4pm)  
    • Woy Woy Library on Tuesday 4 April between 11.30 and 1.30pm
  • Submitting a question via the online question and answer tool (now closed)

How could I have my say on the Street Design Manual? 

You could make a submission on the draft Central Coast Street Design Manual and accompanying documents between 15 March and 26 April 2023 via: 

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